Online Instruction
EDUPRIZE K-12 online students experience positive, supportive, and rigorous academic opportunities facilitated by a certified teacher in a dedicated virtual classroom. Each grade level has the same teacher for all academic content (in the same way they would in an on-campus environment), the students benefit from live and pre-recorded video instruction, all planned and provided by their teacher. Differentiation, a core value for EDUPRIZE, is provided via live interactive small groups and tutoring sessions.
The students have access to the same quality curricular resources as their on-campus peers, with digital texts and hard-copy consumables. In grades K-6 they build and refine their reading and language skills through the use of the excellent standards-based Benchmark Advance reading curriculum. The lessons in Benchmark Advance are designed for differentiation, so the teacher is able to meet the needs of diverse learners within the same classroom. Lucy Calkins Units of Study are integrated throughout the language arts instruction in order to build the reading-writing connection. The teachers utilize a writer’s workshop format to allow students to brainstorm, write, edit, and share their work.
Our Eureka mathematics curriculum provides a hands-on approach that contributes to a deep understanding of mathematical concepts for students in grades K-5. The teacher presents lessons via direct instruction during virtual live lessons to the whole class and to small groups. Children are taught a variety of pictorial strategies to aid in problem solving. This is enhanced through math talks, journals, and real-world examples to maximize engagement and demonstrate the relevance of what they are learning.
EDUPRIZE provides students in grades K-6 science and social studies instruction via the presentation of thematic quarterly units called Cottages. Our online students enjoy the same Cottages as their on-campus peers. They engage in interactive lessons and conduct experiments to test hypotheses. At the end of every quarter, the students show off what they have learned in a virtual “Cottage Fair”. This is a highlight of every quarter and is always much anticipated by students and families alike.
EDUPRIZE online students in grades 6-12 receive their academic instruction through the award-winning Edgenuity program, one of the leading online learning platforms in the country. Edgenuity provides a full range of middle and high school curricula, including a broad selection of elective courses. Core academic classes are aligned to state standards and provide all the credit opportunities required for graduation. The diversity of standards-aligned elective course offerings expands the classes available to our students, allowing them to build a learning program that aligns with their interests and post-secondary plans. The ability to customize the learning plan for each student dovetails perfectly with EDUPRIZE’s long-standing commitment to serve and challenge every student to excellence.
July 2, 2024
EDUPRIZE Online Students and Families,
Summer Greetings! EDUPRIZE is proud to continue to offer options to our families that are wanting to remain at home and still continue our longstanding history of academic success. In 2021-2022 we introduced you to our new online school and we are pleased to offer this program option again in 2024-2025 for the EDUPRIZE Community to meet the needs of families.
Save the date for our mandatory online orientation for all K-12 EOI students and parents. We have 2 meeting dates you may choose from, either Friday, July 19th at 11AM or Monday, July 22nd at 5:00PM. The meeting will be via zoom and will review program expectations as well as new program procedures. This mandatory meeting can not be missed and is important for both parents and students to attend. Material pick up for grades K-5 will be on Monday, July 22nd from 8am – noon at both campuses.
We look forward to seeing you on either the 19th or the 22nd! Until then, enjoy the rest of your summer!
Robin Yeargain
EOI Principal
Allison Cox
EOI Director
Kindergarten – Lacy (Kindergarten Letter/Supply List)
1st Grade – Decker (1st Grade Letter/Supply List)
2nd Grade – Decker (2nd Grade Letter/Supply List)
3rd Grade – Decker (3rd Grade Letter/Supply List)
4th Grade – Maurer (4th Grade Letter/Supply List) (Schedule and Expectations)
5th Grade – Maurer (5th Grade Letter/Supply List) (Schedule and Expectations)
6th – 8th grade Math: Terry Maurer –
9th – 12th grade Math: Andrew Geiges –
6th – 12th grade Science: Alesha Asijie–
6th – 12th grade Social Studies: Tracy Marshall –
6th – 12th grade ELA: Sierra Rhinehart–
6th – 12th grade Electives: Allison Cox –
On-Line Best Practices
Academic Goals |
Data/ Assessment |
Centered Focus- Mentors/ Differentiation |
All EDUPRIZE online
students will |
All Students will receive |
Students will receive |
Be successful in an online environment through strong communication skills, time management, and self motivation. |
45 Day screenings will be conducted for students new to the school to ensure early identification of possible areas of concern. |
Accommodations as determined by IEPs, 504s, CSTs, et al to include items such as additional time for completion of tasks, use of assistive devices, etc. |
Participate weekdays in offered content and breakout sessions |
Galileo diagnostic assessments administered on campus by the online teacher. |
Possible modifications to content and assessment as determined by need and special program qualification |
Complete internet safety training and digital citizenship courses and agreements |
Support for scores below established benchmarks which are considered at-risk. The Child Study Team (CST) process may be initiated for these students. |
Individual to Small group intervention and instruction. |
Timely complete assignments and projects |
CST interventions to implement in the online classroom and at home to help students be successful. |
Instruction by different modalities |
Attend reteach sessions and retake quizzes as needed to work toward mastery |
Monitoring by the online teacher who is responsible for student progress and assessment data to inform their instruction. |
Assistance by assigned mentors |
Show competency in use of the LMS system, emailing mentors, landing page, and portal |
Support through the Online Director who will be responsible for evaluating best practices. |
Services such as Speech & Language, OT, PT and tutoring will be provided on-site or virtually depending on student/parent choice |
All EDUPRIZE K-5 Students
will: |
Students receive: |
K-5: |
be expected to log in to their online courses for a minimum of two hours per day, five days per week. Courses will last for a full school year, from July to May. Parents will also have the option to make a program change to in-person learning on a quarterly basis. Students will complete the course with the same pacing as the in-person class. |
Screening assessments will be administered for all students during a live online session three times per year. Assessments such as letter sound, sight word, and oral reading fluency will be administered in a one on one format. |
Teachers will differentiate instruction and assessment to meet the needs of each student at his/her instructional level. Instruction will be scaffolded using a “I do, We do, You do” approach. This allows students to have ample practice with a skill before trying it on their own. It also allows teachers to observe and identify student needs. |
Daily attendance will be required and will be monitored and reported by the online teacher. Parents will sign an agreement outlining attendance policies prior to enrollment. Students who do not attend class regularly will be placed on a shared spreadsheet for review by the principal. The principal will contact parents if disciplinary action or a program change is deemed necessary. |
Results from screening assessments will be shared with the Curriculum Department twice per year to ensure at-risk students are identified and their needs are met in a timely manner. |
A teacher may differentiate by providing different Lexile levels of text with the same theme so all students can access the text. Students may also have the option to listen to the text while they read to enhance their comprehension. Other examples of differentiation include providing cloze notes, text with larger fonts, reduced/modified spelling list, untimed math fact tests, or reduced number of paragraphs for a writing assignment. |
Students will be expected to complete and turn in daily assignments in a timely manner and will be closely monitored by their online teacher. Students who fail to complete assignments in the online format may be put on an academic contract until they are able to turn in completed assignments. The principal may discuss a possible program change with the parents and teacher if it is determined the student may be more successful participating in in-person learning. |
Teachers will utilize virtual break-out rooms to facilitate small group instruction. This will allow the teacher to monitor each student’s progress real-time and provide individualized support as needed. |
Assessments may be modified or adapted for students to ensure their access to the assessment. The teacher may reduce the number of answer choices in a multiple choice item on a test. Or the teacher may simplify a test item for a student while still allowing it to assess the skill. |
Throughout the year teachers will continually observe and evaluate students in an online format. Performance based assessments will inform instruction on a weekly (or more frequent) basis. These may be administered using a variety of resources, such as personal whiteboards, Google forms, thumbs up/down, or yes/no buttons to name a few. For example, students may be asked to solve a math problem on a personal whiteboard and hold it up to the camera for teacher review. Or a teacher may create a weekly spelling test using Google forms. |
As students are monitored and observed on a regular basis by their online teacher, adjustments can be made to the level of text they read or the accommodations they may receive. For example, a student with a reduced spelling list in October may not need a reduced list in January. As their skills progress some accommodations can be removed. |
Summative unit or module assessments will be administered 1-2 times per quarter to evaluate student mastery. Students who score below 80% on these assessments will be retaught and retested until they reach mastery. |
All EDUPRIZE 6-12 Students will: |
6-12 Student will receive: |
6-12 Student will receive: |
Enroll in courses for initial credit. |
Edgenuity assessments online which are monitored by the highly qualified teacher of each subject area. |
Individualized pacing, opportunity to revisit content and provide additional support |
Enroll on a traditional semester schedule. |
assessments which will be shared with the Online Director twice each month to
ensure at-risk students are identified and their needs are met in a timely
manner. |
Access to lessons containing a variety of modes and activities to engage and meet the needs of the learners. |
Complete 6-8 courses a year in order to earn at least 6 credits per year. |
assessments three times per year in order to monitor progress on benchmarks. |
Video lectures, graphic displays, text and simulations provided through Edgenuity. |
Enroll in at least four courses per semester. |
Teachers and Directors will view “attendance data” in the form of logged minutes/hours |
Access to all Edgenuity content which was developed with the W3Cs (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) |
Successfully complete the EDUPRIZE Online orientation class. Online Orientation: Orientation meetings will be face to face and in small groups.In these meetings, we will cover, obtaining an IT loaner or rental device, logging in, getting in touch with your teacher, how to contact tech support, attendance, expectations, |
Teachers will utilize virtual break-out rooms to facilitate small group instruction. This will allow the teacher to monitor each student’s progress real-time and provide individualized support as needed. |
An advisory class where a mentor teacher will be assigned to them. The teacher helps the student with individual goal setting and helps track academic progress. |
Receive a score of 80% or higher on the Edgenuity Online Learning and Digital Citizenship course. In this course academic integrity and being safe online will be covered. |
Teachers will continually observe and evaluate students’ progress through the dashboard/progress report. Imbedded quizzes will be administered and opened by the teacher of record. Students who do not master content will receive reteach opportunities and allowed to retake quizzes |
Guidance will be provided with the student’s Education and Career Action Plan (ECAP) in advisory class. The students will build their ECAP portfolio through the online program, Arizona Career Information System (AzCIS). |
Select courses from the Edgenuity 6-12 course list online under the direction of the academic counselor and online program director. These courses must include one core course from ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies per semester. |
Summative testing will require a passage rate of 70% |
A mentor outside of their advisory class. Each senior will be a part of EDUPRIZE “Adopt a Senior” program in which a staff member will adopt the senior for the school year and check in with them twice a month. These are well being checks as well as having an extra set of eyes on seniors and their progress. |
Will be able to retake a quiz 2x to try and obtain a passing score. If not achieved, the student will be locked and communication with the student’s teacher (email, phone, web session) is required. |
Each course in Edgenuity has a teacher of record assigned and is responsible for monitoring progress. |
Monitoring for academic integrity will be completed by students’ teachers as they review student work. Any students caught using other work or
resources as their own will follow the academic integrity policy as stated in
the school handbook. |
Transcripts are reviewed by our Academic Counselor each semester to ensure accuracy and correct student placement/course selection. |
EDUPRIZE online K-12 staff will |
Attend all professional development as offered to all employees as well as an additional 8 hours of program specific training. |
Set semester goals with each student to be recorded in the students’ STP (K-5) or ECAP (6-12). These goals will be reviewed with the student and parent each semester. |
Present the program as a rigorous and comprehensive academic option for students and families wanting to continue education in a virtual setting starting Fall 2021. |
The EDUPRIZE online
director will |
EDUPRIZE will make families and students aware of the virtual school option via email communications, School Messenger, phone, social media ads (Facebook),
and our LMS. |
The Program Director will communicate with online teachers bi-monthly to review data. Specific data points include Students’ grades, pacing, days since last activity completed, days
since last teacher communication and recent teacher, student
communications. These meetings will be
conducted on Friday afternoons. |
The online program director will serve as the main point of contact for EDUPRIZE students. They will be responsible for enrolling students into the
program as well as reviewing progress monitoring reports weekly. |
EDUPRIZE Online Instruction -Teacher Information Sheet
Kindergarten-5th Grade Program | |
Kindergarten Joy Lacy Email: 11:30-1:15 on Zoom 1:50-3:15 on Zoom Or here is my schedule that you can view!
| 1st Grade Debbie Decker Email: Class Times: 8:30-1:30 M-Th, 9:00-12:00 F |
2nd Grade Debbie Decker Email: Class Times: 8:30-1:30 M-Th, 9:00-12:00 F | 3rd Grade Debbie Decker Email: Class Times: 8:30-1:30 M-Th, 9:00-12:00 F |
4th Grade Terry Maurer Email: Class Times: 7:15 – 11:15 M-F Office Hours: 11:15 – 12:00 by appointment M-Th. Google Classroom Link Meeting ID: 990 6480 6940 Passcode: 746554 5th Grade Zoom Link
| 5th Grade Terry Maurer Email: Class Times: 7:15 – 11:15 M-F Office Hours: 11:15 – 12:00 by appointment M-Th. Google Classroom Link Meeting ID: 990 6480 6940 Passcode: 746554 5th Grade Zoom Link
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
7:30-9:30 Edgenuity Social Studies Independent work time | 7:30 – 9:30 Edgenuity Science Independent work time
| 7:30-9:30 Edgenuity Social Studies Independent work time | 7:30 – 9:30 Edgenuity Science Independent work time
| 7:30 – 8:30 Edgenuity Elective Independent work time |
9:30-10:10 Edgenuity- Elective Independent work time | 9:30-11:30 Edgenuity Math Independent work time | 9:30-10:10 Edgenuity- Elective Independent work time | 9:30-11:30 Edgenuity Math Independent work time | 8:30-9:10 Mandatory Elective Meeting Ms. Cox |
10:15-10:55 Mandatory Social Studies Meeting Ms. Marshall | 11:30-12:10 Lunch | 10:15-10:55 Mandatory Social Studies Meeting Ms. Marshall | 11:30-12:10 Lunch | 9:30-10:30 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time |
11:30-12:10 Lunch | 12:20-1:00 Mandatory Science Meeting Ms. Asijie | 11:30-12:10 Lunch | 12:20-1:00 Mandatory Science Meeting Ms. Asijie | 10:30-12:00 Edgenuity Catch-up for the week Independent work time |
12:20 – 1:00 Mandatory ELA Meeting Ms. Rhinehart | 1:00-1:40 Mandatory Math Meeting Mr. Maurer | 12:20 – 1:00 Mandatory ELA Meeting Ms. Rhinehart | 1:00-1:40 Mandatory Math Meeting Mr. Maurer |
1:00-3:00 Edgenuity ELA Independent work time | 1:40-2:40 Edgenuity- Elective Independent work time | 1:00-3:00 Edgenuity ELA Independent work time | 1:40-2:40 Edgenuity- Elective Independent work time | |
3:00 -4:00 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time | 3:00 -4:00 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time | 3:00 -4:00 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time | 3:00 -4:00 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time | |
Before logging off for the day, check messages, grades and progress in classes. | Before logging off for the day, check messages, grades and progress in classes. | Before logging off for the day, check messages, grades and progress in classes. | Before logging off for the day, check messages, grades and progress in classes. |
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
7:30-9:30 Edgenuity Social Studies Independent work time | 7:30 – 9:30 Edgenuity Math Independent work time
| 7:30-9:30 Edgenuity Social Studies Independent work time | 7:30 – 9:30 Edgenuity Math Independent work time
| 7:30 – 8:30 Edgenuity Elective Independent work time |
9:30-10:10 Edgenuity- Elective Independent work time | 9:30-10:20 Mandatory Math Meeting Mr. Geiges | 9:30-10:10 Edgenuity- Elective Independent work time | 9:30-10:20 Mandatory Math Meeting Mr. Geiges | 8:30-9:10 Mandatory Elective Meeting Ms. Cox |
10:15-10:55 Mandatory Social Studies Meeting Ms. Marshall | 10:30-11:30 Edgenuity- Elective Independent work time | 10:15-10:55 Mandatory Social Studies Meeting Ms. Marshall | 10:30-11:30 Edgenuity- Elective Independent work time | 9:30-10:30 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time |
11:30-12:10 Lunch | 11:30-12:10 Lunch | 11:30-12:10 Lunch | 11:30-12:10 Lunch | 10:30-12:00 Edgenuity Catch-up for the week Independent work time |
12:20 – 1:00 Mandatory ELA Meeting Ms. Rhinehart | 12:20-1:00 Mandatory Science Meeting Ms. Asijie | 12:20 – 1:00 Mandatory ELA Meeting Ms. Rhinehart | 12:20-1:00 Mandatory Science Meeting Ms. Asijie |
1:00-3:00 Edgenuity ELA Independent work time | 1:00-3:00 Edgenuity- Science- Independent work time | 1:00-3:00 Edgenuity ELA Independent work time | 1:00-3:00 Edgenuity- Science- Independent work time | |
3:00 -4:00 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time | 3:00 -4:00 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time | 3:00 -4:00 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time | 3:00 -4:00 Google Classroom- PE Independent work time | |
Before logging off for the day, check messages, grades and progress in classes. | Before logging off for the day, check messages, grades and progress in classes. | Before logging off for the day, check messages, grades and progress in classes. | Before logging off for the day, check messages, grades and progress in classes. |
EOI 6th-12th Grade Student
Suggested Course Sequence*
*Course sequence for 9th-12th grade will
depend on student transcript and credit needs.
Grade | English | History/ Social Studies | Science | Math | Elective 1 | Elective 2 |
6 | 6th Grade | 6th Grade SS | 6th Grade | 6th Grade | PE | Semester I Strategies
Semester II Healthy |
7 | 7th Grade | 7th Grade SS | 7th Grade | 7th Grade | PE | Semester I Strategies for
Semester II Healthy Living |
8 | 8th | 8th Grade SS | 8th Grade | 8th Grade | PE
| Semester I Strategies for
Semester II Healthy Living |
9 | 9th Grade | History in the | Science in | Algebra I | Career
| Semester I Strategies for
Semester II Healthy Living |
10 | 10th Grade | History in the | Science in the | Geometry | Career Planning
| Semester I Strategies for
Semester II Healthy Living |
11 | 11th Grade | History in the | Science in the | Algebra II | Career Planning
| Semester I Strategies for
Semester II Healthy Living |
12 | 12th Grade | History in the | Science in the
| Financial | Career Planning
| Semester I Strategies for
Semester II Healthy Living |
Q. Can I change from the on-line program to the in-person or vice versa?
A. We ask parents for a semester long commitment for their children in grades 4-12. In grades K-3 we ask for at least a quarter commitment to their chosen program. We must staff these positions and any change to student placement will be based on space available and student need.
Q. What technology does my child need to be successful in the on-line program?
A. You will need a computer or chromebook with camera and sound for each child enrolled and you are responsible to provide adequate connectivity for your child to participate.
Q. Are there set hours that my child will be on-line?
A. Yes! Check the website and grade level links for your child’s schedule of synchronous class meetings (instruction) and break out group sessions (small group intervention). Children must attend these daily and attendance will be taken.
Q. If my child is doing Edgenuity, can he/she work “ahead”?
A. Student progress will be closely monitored by each teacher and the program director. Students must complete certain content and minutes per course as a minimum (per their teachers’ directives) to be prepared for classroom and breakout meetings. Should a child choose to work ahead, they may do so, but most importantly must complete assigned content and must not fall behind.
Q. Can my child sign up for additional electives?
A. Our grade level general course description outlines the courses your child may select. Should you choose to vary from those selections, you must work with your on-line Director and principal of record.
Q. Will my child with special needs receive services on-line?
A. Our SPED team will work with each child/family to provide the services needed per their IEP. These may be on-line or in person, based on what is best for the child/family.
Q. Does my child have to come onto campus for testing?
A. Your child will need to complete benchmark testing at the beginning, middle and end of the year on campus and must attend mandated state testing in the spring. We will work with you to ensure a safe and supportive environment for your child by appointment to achieve this.
Q. What do I need to get my child started in the on-line program?
A. You must be enrolled though our enrollment coordinator and assigned a program instructor. You can see on our website the teachers of record listed by grade and department with their schedules and meeting patterns. You must also attend our welcome meeting to get student materials and receive internet safety requirements and complete the internet safety course. You also will receive lots of information at the welcome meeting regarding passwords to content and access to class meetings.
Q. What happens if my child is not attending daily instruction or completing assignments?
A. We will keep you informed of your child’s progress. If your child is not being successful on-line, we will try to reassign them to in-person learning. Parents must understand that this is a partnership and they are a necessary part of their child’s on-line success.
Q. Will my child be taking tests and assessments to gauge their success regularly?
A. Yes, teachers will constantly monitor student work and mastery of content. Students who are not initially successful on any assessment will receive on-line intervention through break-out group sessions and/or additional content practice.
Q. How do I know my child is progressing/participating?
A. In grades K-5, the synchronous instructor will have “eyes on” your child during each session. They will “real time” answer questions and ask children to respond to prompts and practice items. There will be ability for each teacher to encourage and gauge your child’s participation and needs during these sessions. Further, each teacher will communicate with parents regarding any concerns or work that is due. In grades 6-12, students will be expected to complete an average of about one hour of course content, per course, per day. That means you should plan on completion of all assigned Edgenuity content plus synchronous, prescheduled weekly meetings, for instruction and support, with your teacher of each course.
Q. How can I see my child’s grades and receive communication from his/her teacher?
A. Google classroom will display grades, assignments turned in or missing, and a message board that can be used for contact with the teacher.
Q. What happens if I forget my password?
A. For grades 6-12, you will contact the EOI director, Alison Cox. For grade K-5 you will contact the teacher directly.
Q. How do I know the school’s adopted code of conduct?
A. Our student handbook is on our web page and contains our policies and consequences should there be an infraction.
Q. Why does EDUPRIZE have more structure (and less flexibility) to their on-line program with specific progress each day and required weekly to daily synchronous instruction?
A. Most on-line programs are not successful because there is often limited interaction between the teacher and student. We know that students engage and succeed more with specific directives, set time lines, and regular interaction. In the younger grades, the on-line program is exactly what in-person students are being taught and they can even participate with those other students. In the 6-12 space students will participate with other on-line students during class meetings for direct instruction in addition to completing Edgenuity content on their own.
Q. Will students be able to pick up materials and attend testing at their closest EDUPRIZE location (Gilbert or Queen Creek) after the initial orientation and testing?
A. Yes, initial testing, orientation and material pickup will be held at the Gilbert campus only but future testing and material pickup will be at your closest EDUPRIZE location by appointment.
Q. What electives will be offered this school year?
A. Please see the course offering document for specifics.
Q. How will my child complete orientation and testing if he/she starts after the first day of school?
A. The On-Line Program Director for your child’s grade level will contact you to schedule orientation and testing.
Q. Is in-person orientation and testing mandatory?
A. Yes, except for cases with extenuating circumstances which will be handled on a case by case basis.
The Internet has become a great resource for students and families. In many ways, it makes our lives easier, provides information at our fingertips, and has tools that help us manage our lives and learn new skills. The Internet also has pitfalls that we must be aware of including cyberbullying and identity theft.
EDUPRIZE SCHOOLS takes the security of your children on the Internet extremely seriously.
As children become more involved in technology, there are some measures that parents can take to help ensure a safe Internet experience. Keep in mind that what may seem like basic knowledge to parents is new to kids just getting started in the digital world. Having a conversation before your child embarks online helps set expectations and establish ground rules.
As soon as your kids begin to go online, it’s important to explain your expectations of their behavior. By acting responsibly and respectfully, they will enjoy their time online and get the best of the Internet while mostly avoiding things such as cyberbullying and inappropriate content.
Internet Safety for Kids Tutorial
Why Celebrate Our EDUPRIZE Students?
At EDUPRIZE, our students are the heart of our success. As the longest running A+ Excelling Charter School in Arizona, we take pride in fostering a supportive and innovative learning environment where every student can thrive. With small class sizes, hands-on learning experiences, and a commitment to excellence, our students grow into confident leaders and lifelong learners. Each month, we celebrate outstanding students who exemplify dedication, kindness, and a passion for learning—because they are the future of EDUPRIZE! Click here to apply today!