High School
Gilbert Campus Only
EDUPRIZE has been awarded and acknowledged as the outstanding Science School. In addition to our amazing science programs, our technology and fine arts are the best in the state. Our aggressive core curriculum provides students with 4 years of advanced mathematics, 4 years of science beginning with conceptual physics as freshmen, second and third language opportunities, and the finest of arts instruction from master, and even nationally certified, teachers.
Our approach
Our students learn to become global thinkers through our International Baccalaureate experience in which high school students participate. Junior and senior year, EVIT (East Valley Institute of Technology) and special community presenters provide career education and future credentialing with hands-on possibilities. Students may take advanced courses for dual college credit and may participate in our International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Our high school students participate in rigorous course offerings to ensure that they are prepared to compete in any career and attend the college or university of their choice. Our International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme ensures that our students are “Thinkers, Problem Solvers, Reflective, Balanced, Risk Takers, Principled, Communicators, Open Minded, Caring, Inquirers.” Honors placement is available in all grades.

About us
In addition to core classes, foreign languages (Spanish and Mandarin) and a variety of electives are available and offered by the highest quality certified teachers. Examples of such are theatre arts, guitar, band, choir, strings, and visual arts.
Competitive seasonal sports are offered for both boys and girls. Clubs like National Honor Society, Student Ambassadors, Student Council, Yearbook, Chess, Robotics, and Theatre are also available.
Life as an EDUPRIZE Eagle
Interested in enrollment?
We are so excited that you are considering EDUPRIZE for your child, where you will discover Excellence in Education! Please complete the form below and an enrollment coordinator will contact you with more information.